
Viewing articles for the category Travel

CLEAR Lane in Denver

CLEAR lane at TSA security line in Denver! Awesome! Not one person in front of me. I zipped through TSA line literally in less than two minutes.

Acts of Kindness

Random act of kindness. I try to tip when and where appropriate. Boarding a flight, the guy in front of me noticed a a delta team member walk back up the skybridge with an empty wheelchair after delivering an elderly lady to her seat. He asked the skycap if she tipped him? No. This guy slipped him a couple bucks. Classy. I thanked him and I learned something. ;)

Dress for Success?

Why do middle aged men with not so attractive feet or legs feel the need to wear shorts and flip flops when traveling by air and walking through airports? Seems to be an abundance today. Not cool, imho.

Airplanes are Like Ovens

Hey Delta a plane sitting at the gate in 90 degree temp is going to get hot. Perhaps it would make sense to cool it down before boarding time rather than delaying the flight? Perhaps a little better planning is in order? What say you?

1st Class Upgrade - Not Necessarily 1st Class Passengers

I am amused by travelers who either 1) got a very rare first class upgrade 2) purchased an upgrade before boarding to impress someone or 3) the occasional traveler who splurged. Inevitably they tend to come on board like they own the plane, ignore standard protocols for bag storage etc and generally have a bit of an attitude. I have such a couple sitting across from me. They make things much harder for everyone, especially the flight attendants. Let them wait for that bloody Mary until the plane is fully boarded. Geez, people have some manners.

Decorum is Sometimes Lost on Travelers

Note to the guy sitting in 1c, the rest of the plane doesn't really want or need to know about your accidents and/or medical conditions. Just saying. Tone it down. Was there a full moon last night? This flight is bizarre.

Travel Observation

Travel observation. Uber service is getting worse but taxi service is improving.

Travel Hygiene

Is it too much to ask for anyone traveling on a flying bus to perhaps bathe within, oh I don't know, within a week of travel? I can literally smell this person from 15 feet away. Geez