Please, Don't Steal My Beverage!


Well I don't recall this ever happening to me on a flight before. I ordered a nice refreshing non adult beverage from the flight attendant after we took off. The lady next to me was settled in reading a book and did not order a drink. So, the flight attendant delivered my refreshing drink and sat it down on the middle console for me as I was reading a magazine. As soon as the flight attendant walked away I look over to grab my drink. My seatmate beat me to it. She stole my drink. lol She realized what she instinctively had done about the same time I did. She was mortified and apologized profusely, even offering the drink back to me. It was pretty funny and she told me the look on my face was priceless...and I bet it was. She stole my drink!  We both got a good laugh. ????  Ah, the joys of travel

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