
Viewing articles for the category Travel

High Heels and Backpack

I am walking through the Atlanta airport on my way to make my connecting flight. Ahead of me I notice a tall and thin young lady walking slowly and deliberately. She had what must have been a twenty five pound backpack, filled to the gills and she seemed to be having trouble with her center of gravity being out of kilter. She also had a distressed look on her face as I passed her by as she seemed to be teetering a bit. I looked down and noticed what must have been at least six inch heels on her shoes. Now, I appreciate high heels on women as 1) they can be very attractive and 2) I am nearly 6'4" so standing around too many people who are often a foot shorter than me makes me feel like Gulliver and I get nervous. That said, while this young lady was attractive, those shoes were a bit comical and her backpack made it look like, if someone tried, she could be spun like a top. I am just glad she was not on my flight wearing that backpack.

Partisan Hack

Some things I just don't understand. Sitting in the Concierge lounge at the crystal city hilton (DC). I grab my plate of cheese and a glass of wine and sit down in a nice conversational area in front of a TV with cnn broadcasting. There is a black gentleman sitting across from me. Ben Carson and his wife are being interviewed at cnn. Very impressive regardless of his political leanings, etc. A classy couple. So, at the end of the interview, I look up and casually say the Carson's are an impressive couple. The guy across from me immediately retorts "no, they're not". How in the world can anyone, regardless of race or political persuasion not agree that Ben Carson and his wife are impressive people. I am not saying he should be President but damned impressive regardless. Partisan Political hacks are disgusting.

Delta Porsche Service - Pretty Cool

Spacial Awareness on Planes

Spacial awareness. Some people are very large and are as wide, or wider,  front to back as they are side to side. So why, I wonder, do they think that turning sideways, bouncing back and forth as they move down the aisle, is a better way of boarding a plane? Just a ponderable for the day

BackPacks on Planes! NO!

I hate backpacks on airplanes. Well, actually I hate them when worn by very rude and inconsiderate people while boarding a flight. Come on people, when you turn in the aisle, that one foot protrusion on your back has to go somewhere. I prefer that it not be in my face....or anyone's face. Geez, people! Think a little bit. It is not all about you! And that is my airplane rant for today.

Nervous Nelly

Flying with nervous Nelly. So my seat mate today in first class is a mother of four, all of whom are on the flight along with her husband. I noticed them before boarding as the husband was trying to work out boarding and seating arrangements for his crew, all apparently in their teens. I will guess this is their first flight as a family and not too experienced. To his credit, the husband gave hisfirst class upgrade to his wife, Nervous Nelly. I am in the aisle seat, trying to settle in before flight. She boarded with first class but then had to stand right in front of me to be sure her family boarded.

First Class Libations at the Crack of Dawn

It is always entertaining to watch the infrequent flyers when they get upgraded to first class. They seem to always order a bloody mary or other alcoholic beverage at 7a, because of course it is free. Yes, I am people watching.

Walking and Texting in the Airport

Walking and texting. I just followed a young lady, head buried in her iphone, into the men's restroom in atl. It was really kinda funny when she figured it out.